

What is LeadsBridge

LeadsBridge is a middleware that allows quickly connecting Maileon to a huge amount of systems. It provides plugins for about 380 different shops, CRMs or other lead generating types of software, e.g. Facebook. It differentiates between lead sources, that is software that generates leads, and lead sinks, which describes software that will receive leads for further processing.

With the current solution, Maileon is a pure lead sink, i.e. data is submitted to Maileon but Maileon does not submit any data to LeadsBridge.

To connect Maileon, it is possible to configure a sink using Webhooks, as Maileon provides a webhook API.

How to Configure LeadsBridge

After logging in into your LeadsBridge account, click on “Bridges” on the left navigation panel. Click on “Create a Bridge”, see Figure 1.

Figure 1: Creating a New Bridge

Now you can freely specify a name for the bridge and select your source, see Figure 2. In the example we used Facebook LeadAds to create a lead source (Figure 3). After selecting the source you select “Webhooks” as destination and “Create New Destination”.

Figure 2: Configuring the Bridge

Figure 3: Configuring a Sample Source

In the following popup, you can specify the integration using some name and as URL “https://api.maileon.com/webhooks/contacts/email“. As method, please select POST and add the fields you need, see Figure 4.

Figure 4: Setting up the webhook

Table 1: Example set of LeadsBridge custom fields




The field for email address


The external ID, not required for LeadAds


The Maileon API-Key


Standard field “first name”


Standard field “last name”


Should a DOI be sent by Maileon?


Should Maileon use DOI+ as permission?


The fields email and key are mandatory, external_id, doi, doiplus and all standard or custom fields are optional. For configuring the action that is performed, when a contact is submitted by LeadsBridge, you can use the parameters specified here: https://support.maileon.com/support/create-contact/. In the example we use doi to signal, that Maileon should start a DOI process. You could also add other permissions from the documentation above, e.g. sync_mode.

For standard fields use the attribute prefix "standard", as seen in the example above, for custom fields use "custom". The keys for standard fields can be found here: https://support.maileon.com/support/standard-contact-fields/. Be careful to use correct capitalization, also for your custom fields.

On the next page you can now select your newly created webhook data sink, see Figure 5. Make sure to set option “Double optin” to false as we want Maileon to send the DOI instead of LeadsBridge. You can also specify some recipient there which will get an e-mail if a new contact is registered with Maileon over LeadsBridge. Click on “Next” to start setting up the “Field Matching”.

Figure 5: Selecting the Webhook Integration

Here you can now select which source field is mapped to which Maileon field. For data fields like email or first name, just select the appropriate, previously created, field. For configuration fields like key or doi (or also sync_mode, if required) just specify the appropriate constant, i.e. add the Maileon API-Key to the field key and write “true” as value for doi, see Figure 6.

Figure 6: Field Mapping

That’s it. In the final step you can send a test registration to check if the contact is registered with your account, see Figure 7. Check if you received a DOI mailing or if the contact is added in the account. If it does not work there is usually a problem with the DOI mail: if you did add a DOI mail to Maileon but did not specify it as default mailing in the settings, Maileon does not know how to send a DOI mail to the customer and refuses to accept the contact, signaling that there is something wrong. In case you added a DOI mail with some special key and want to explicitly send that special DOI mail, you would need to add the parameter doimailing to your webhook configuration and set the corresponding doi mailing key in the field mapping step.

Figure 7: Testing the Registration

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