Property | Description | Example |
sku | The SKU of the product | “woo-example-item” |
product_id | The ID of the product | 12 |
title | The name of the product | “An Example Product” |
description | The full description of the product | “This is a much longer description.” |
short_description | The short description of the product | “Short description” |
url | The public url of the product | “http://example.com/shop/example-product” |
image_url | The public image url of the product | “http://example.com/shop/example-product.jpg” |
status | The stock status of the product | “instock” |
single_price | The single price of the product | 10.5 |
categories | The comma separated category ids of the product | “12,3” |
width | The width of the product | 123 |
height | The height of the product | 123 |
weight | The weight of the product | 1000 |
attributes | The attributes of the product as a JSON object | {“pa_color”: [“red”]} |
quantity | The quantity of the product | 2 |
total | The line total of the product | 21.0 |